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Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Paul Walker's entire body was charred through the skin it was burned so badly ... this according to the autopsy ... burned so bad none of his organs were suitable for donation.

According to the report ... obtained by TMZ ... Walker's body was laying supine in the passenger seat in a "pugilistic stance" -- that's a defensive position, as if he were bracing himself for impact. 

He had multiple fractures throughout his body, including his jaw, collarbone, and left upper arm.  There were also various ribs and pelvic fractures.

The report concludes Walker died from "combined effects of traumatic and thermal injuries" sustained from the Nov. 30 crash in Santa Clarita, CA. 

According to the report, the L.A. County Coroner is preserving portions of Paul's organs in a jar -- sources tell us tissues are kept for a certain period of time in case of lawsuits.

Roger Rodas -- the driver -- suffered major head trauma with the top portion of his skull fractured and his brain exposed.

No alcohol or drug traces were found in either body.

The report also says there was "scant soot in Walker's trachea" -- suggesting he took a few breaths after impact.  Sources close to the investigation, however, tell TMZ, they believe both men died almost immediately.

And the report goes on ... Paul had 14% carbon monoxide saturation in his blood stream ... the normal level is 2%.  Roger had 10%.

According to the report ... after impact the car spun 180 degrees, struck a tree and nearly tore in half before exploding in flames.

How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

Sometimes we meet someone and we just know: it's love. However, it isn't always easy to see the wonderful qualities of the people right there in 
 front of us. They may need a little push to realize that maybe they love you too. Remember that there is no way to make someone fall in love with you and that you wouldn't want love that was forced anyway. But, with time and effort, you may be able to be for them all the amazing things that they are for you! Read below for helpful advice and tips on getting that special someone to have eyes only for you.

part 1out 3
Work on being the best you. If you want someone to fall in love with you, you need to be someone that people want to fall in love with first. Work on being the best you that you can possibly be and you’ll find that people will start loving you naturally. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up catching the attention of the person you wanted to begin with.
  • Take good care of your body. It’s hard to love someone properly if you can’t even love yourself. This is something that shows to other people; they’ll notice if you can’t care for yourself and this will make many people lose interest. Exercise, eat right, practice proper hygiene and wear clean clothing that isn’t stained or full of holes.
  • Go out and do things. Don’t be boring and just sit around watching television. Give your life a purpose and direction. Live a big life. Go out and travel the world, excel at a sport, make lots of friends. Even a homebody can find ways to make their life exciting and meaningful. Write a book about a subject that is important to you, take up an art like sculpting or painting, learn to code and starnmisn ddnjwiieet writing your own programs, or become an active member in an online community. Whatever it is, make sure that you are doing the things you always wanted to do. This passion is very attractive and others will take notice.
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated. It may sound cheesy, but it's true. If you want others to treat you with care and respect, you better start acting that way, too. People are happy to fall in love with others who are happy, who give back, and who are genuinely nice to others.
Prepare for the emotional hurdles. Relationships are hard. Before trying to get someone to fall in love with you, be sure that you are emotionally ready for what that means. You need to love that person in return and be willing to make sacrifices for them. You need to be devoted to their happiness and your own, in unison. If you are too hung up on a past relationship, are more interested in dating someone else, or just generally not ready for commitment, don't try to get someone to fall in love with you.
  • Consider how you feel about this person. Do you love them? You will want to be sure that you feel romantic love for them and not just the love felt between close friends. It can often be difficult to tell. If you don’t love them yet, then consider just letting the relationship develop naturally. If it is meant to be then you will both develop feelings together.
  • Think about why you want to take this relationship more seriously. If you only want that person to love you in order to feel better about losing another relationship or to make someone jealous, then getting that person to fall in love with you is a bad idea. This is inconsiderate towards the very real feelings they may end up developing. If, however, you want someone to fall in love with you because you want to be together for a long time and have a mutually supportive relationship, then go ahead.
  • Determine your long-term goals for the relationship. If you can't see it lasting, there isn't much sense in trying to make someone fall in love with you. This is emotionally cruel to both yourself and the other person. There is nothing wrong with casual dating; if you want to date someone but don’t see it lasting, just enjoy it for what it is and don’t try to make it more serious. You don’t need to be in love to keep dating.
          Find someone that's right for you. This is one of the most important steps before trying to make someone fall in love with you. This person needs to be ready for a more serious relationship, they need to be able to cope with the emotional stress of being with another person, and they need to be compatible with you. If they aren’t, you will be wasting your time and theirs and somebody is going to end up with a broken heart.

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        1...Get to know them. The first step in getting someone to love you is to get to know them. This doesn’t just mean knowing their birthday or where they work or their parent’s names. This means getting to know the real them, who they really are underneath the basic details of their life. This takes time and you need to pay attention and take a real interest, since information like this is often not offered but rather learned through inference and experience.
  • Discuss difficult or controversial topics like religion and politics, and discuss them at length. This will tell you a lot about what a person believes and values. It’s okay if you have some different beliefs in these areas (it’s always good to challenge each other and make each other think) but be aware that too many differences or very important differences can make more serious relationships hard or impossible.
  • Talk about what they wanted to be as a child and what they want to do with their life now. This will tell you about their hopes and dreams, as well as what kind of direction they want in their life.
  • 2
  • Share their passions. Get into the things that they love. Learn to enjoy or appreciate the things that make them happy. Don’t fake it; people can usually tell when you are genuinely interested in something. Experience it through their eyes and share in that passion. This will give you something to bond over and can set the spark for real love.[1]
    • If they are a big fan of a sport that you don’t understand or know, ask them to teach it to you. This will give you the opportunity to play it with them or go with them to games. Look at the sport as a way to get excited and enjoy life, if you aren’t usually into sports.
    • If they are really into a certain kind of music, listen to a lot of that music and find some songs that you like too. You can even find sub-genres that you prefer. This will give you the opportunity to discuss the technical side of the music, as well as arguing the merits of certain variations or changes over time. You can go to concerts together on dates or make them the perfect mix as a gift.
  • 3
    Support them during difficult times. This will be very important to creating true love between you. Most people want to be in relationships to begin with because they like having someone to support them. If you can be supportive and genuinely caring, this will go a long way towards getting someone to fall in love with you.
    • Don’t just hug them and tell them everything will be okay (although you should do those things). Do whatever you can to actively help solve or ease their problems. If they are struggling in school, tutor them and work with them if possible. If they are having problems at work, try making them food and cleaning their house so that they don’t have so much to worry about when they come home.
  • 4
    Make them their best self. People want to be with someone who makes them a better person. It makes them feel better about themselves and reassures them that they can be good people if they try. Make your significant other the best version of themselves by encouraging them to do the things they love and giving them the space to do those things. If they have bad habits, gently give them the tools they need to break those habits.
    • Just remember not to be condescending, push unwanted help or advice, or try to change them into what you want them to be. This is all about helping them make the changes that they want in their life.
    • Make your significant other feel like your hero when they’re around you. Let them help you with schoolwork (to make them feel smart), ask for personal advice (to make them feel wise), and ask for their help or advice on subjects that are particularly important to them (to give them a chance to use their expertise). Asking for clothing advice or help reaching or opening containers are also ways that you can make your significant other feel useful and capable

Make them their best self. People want to be with someone who makes them a better person. It makes them feel better about themselves and reassures them that they can be good people if they try. Make your significant other the best version of themselves by encouraging them to do the things they love and giving them the space to do those things. If they have bad habits, gently give them the tools they need to break those habits.
  • Just remember not to be condescending, push unwanted help or advice, or try to change them into what you want them to be. This is all about helping them make the changes that they want in their life.
  • Make your significant other feel like your hero when they’re around you. Let them help you with schoolwork (to make them feel smart), ask for personal advice (to make them feel wise), and ask for their help or advice on subjects that are particularly important to them (to give them a chance to use their expertise). Asking for clothing advice or help reaching or opening containers are also ways that you can make your significant other feel useful and capable.

Make them their best self. People want to be with someone who makes them a better person. It makes them feel better about themselves and reassures them that they can be good people if they try. Make your significant other the best version of themselves by encouraging them to do the things they love and giving them the space to do those things. If they have bad habits, gently give them the tools they need to break those habits.
  • Just remember not to be condescending, push unwanted help or advice, or try to change them into what you want them to be. This is all about helping them make the changes that they want in their life.
  • Make your significant other feel like your hero when they’re around you. Let them help you with schoolwork (to make them feel smart), ask for personal advice (to make them feel wise), and ask for their help or advice on subjects that are particularly important to them (to give them a chance to use their expertise). Asking for clothing advice or help reaching or opening containers are also ways that you can make your significant other feel useful and capable.
  1. Give them freedom and space. No one wants to feel trapped in a relationship. This is why many people keep themselves from getting too serious. If you give your significant other the freedom to do the things they love and be their own person, you will go far in making them feel comfortable with the idea of loving you. Respect that they are their own person; don’t try to change them and certainly don’t invade their privacy. They are allowed to have secrets and things that are just theirs.[2]
    • Don’t rearrange their living space without asking. Don’t try to change the interior decorating in their home. Don’t force them to change their diet or how they dress. If you make suggestions along these lines and they say “no”, respect that and don’t bring it up again (at least for a long time). Don’t suck up all of their time; they probably have things they need or want to do that they need to do alone.
    • Do let them have time to themselves to do the things that they want to do. Alone time is important for both of you. Do encourage them to make their own decisions regarding personal items and decoration. For example, if your boyfriend asks for help picking out new clothes, find three shirts that you think would work and then let him pick one. If your girlfriend asks you to pick a place to go out for dinner, give her a short list of your favorite places and let her choose what she’s in the mood for.
  2. 7
    Create trust. Don’t constantly second-guess them or question their motives. Trust them and show them that you trust them. Love can’t exist long-term in a relationship that doesn’t have trust. Show your significant other that you are a safe haven, where they can find and give trust without having to worry that they will get hurt.
    • If they tell you a secret, keep it. If you find out something that embarrasses them, don’t bring up the issue or bring it up only to show that you do the same or similar things and that there’s nothing to be ashamed about around you.
    • Share your secrets with your significant other and let them see sides of you that no one else does. Be vulnerable with them and let them make you feel better. Don’t stress when they spend time around other men or women. Knowing that you trust them will make them trust you even more.
  3. 8
    Go the extra mile. Don’t be a lazy lover: go the extra mile! Dress well, do your hair, plan elaborate dates, and find the perfect gifts. These things will show your significant other that you think they’re worth the effort. If they see how much you’re willing to try, they’ll be much more likely to love you.
  4. 9
    Be a great date. From the very first date, you want to be someone that's fun to be around. Even before the first date you will want to create opportunities to spend time together in a way that shows just how wonderful you are.
    • Choose activities which are exciting, unique, and fun for both of you. If you don't know each other very well, choose something that will give you common ground and something to talk about: like a movie. If you do know each other well, choose something that's outside the norm for both of you. This may allow them to see you in a new light.
    • To set up a date, don't beat around the bush: be straightforward. Tell your special someone something like, "Hey, I'd really like to go to the zoo this weekend and I would love it if you'd be my date." Have a concrete activity that is entertaining for both of you and be honest about why you want them to come. Taking control of the situation like this shows that you're capable and confident, excellent qualities in a date.
  5. 10
    Believe that there are other people. Sometimes we have feelings for someone that they don't return. This is okay. You shouldn't feel like it's the end of the world or that there's no one else for you. There are an awful lot of people on this planet, after all.If someone doesn't return your feelings you should understand that it wasn't meant to be and that you wouldn't have been all that happy together. You'll find someone else before you know it and wonder why you ever felt upset in the first place.
    • Don't be clingy or overly pushy with someone who's rejected your feelings. Anyone that you have to try too hard to convince to like you is not worth all the trouble and will probably never like you. Pursuing a relationship too hard will only make you creepy and push people further away.

EditPart 3 of 3: Keeping Them in Love

  1. 1
    Don't ever take them for granted. If they do fall in love with you, you’ll need to maintain that love, to keep it from fading or changing. The best way to keep someone in love with you is to never, ever take them for granted. Show them that you appreciate them every day (by saying things like thank you) and take notice of all of the things they do for you and the ways in which they improve your life.
    • For example, if your significant other joins in your vegetarianism so that you can share meals more easily, occasionally show them that you recognize and appreciate the effort by preparing them a meal with meat (you can use local, humane meat to ease your personal misgivings).
  2. 2
    Show them that you care. Just because you’re both in love and your relationship seems stable and at its peak doesn’t mean you should stop putting in an effort. Continue to go on dates, buy each other flowers, and things like that. This will show them that you still care and are still invested in the relationship.
    • Most importantly: tell them that you love them. Do this every day, if you can. Never ever let them question if you still love them. Knowing that your feelings are so undying will make them fall even deeper in love.
  3. 3
    Make a commitment. If you love someone and they love you, then it is important to make some kind of commitment. This shows them that you’re serious and that your affection isn’t some ephemeral emotion meant to get you what you want. It also saves them the embarrassment of societal pressure, as it will keep others from judging them and assuming that they are being taken advantage of.
    • In the short term, you can date your significant other exclusively. After a little longer you may wish to move in with them.
    • Longer term you may wish to get married. If that isn’t for you, consider matching tattoos over your hearts or some other way to express that you choose them above all others.
  4. 4
    Don’t get stuck in a rut. Don’t just do the same things you always do. Routines can be nice, relaxing, and even comforting but it’s important to break out every now and again and do something new and exciting together. This shows your significant other that there are still things to look forward to in the relationship and that their lives won’t stagnate by being with you. It can also help recapture some of the excitement associated with your first falling in love.
    • Do something daring like skydiving or rock climbing. Take up dance classes or learn to paint together. You can learn crafting skills, like furniture building, which can be used to fill your living space with things you create together. Try introducing a board game night, which will give you the chance to have fun together and even with other couples.


  • It is impossible to make someone fall in love with you. If you do all of the things discussed above and they still don’t love you, then they are probably incapable of loving you and the two of you were a poor match. Some people are simply incompatible, even if one person feels very strongly for the other. It may be hard to hear, but you are better off ending a relationship if the other person simply can not return your feelings.
  • Don’t buy into the idea that you can use a certain pheromone, chemical spray, or food to make someone fall in love with you. While there is scientific evidence that such things affect the parts of our brain which deal with those emotions, these chemicals will not force someone to fall in love with you. There is no foolproof “love potion” as it were.

Marvel's Thor 3 Moving Forward with Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost Scripting


On the heels of yesterday's news about Captain America: The Winter Soldier helmers Anthony and Joe Russo signing on for Captain America 3 comes word on another Marvel Studios sequel. Marvel announced today that Senior Vice President of Production and Development Craig Kyle will script Thor 3 alongside the returning Christopher Yost (who, with Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely scripted Thor: The Dark World from a story by Don Payne and Robert Rodat).

"I am proud of Craig and have enjoyed working with him over these past years," President of Production Kevin Feige said in a prepared statement. "His creative instincts have helped shape 'Thor' and 'Thor: The Dark World' at every level of the filmmaking process. The entire team at Marvel is very happy to continue collaborating with Craig as he continues as a screenwriter working with Christopher on the forthcoming chapter of Thor’s adventure.”

Kyle began his career at Marvel Studios in 2001 as the sole Creative Executive for the company’s animation division. In 2003, Craig co-created the character X-23, an adolescent female clone of Marvel’s popular character Wolverine. She was introduced into the comic book mainstream a year later, becoming one of the most popular new characters from Marvel over the last decade. Craig has developed, produced and written numerous animated series and oversaw the development and production of Marvel’s original animated direct-to-DVD projects including Ultimate Avengers: I & II,Invincible Iron ManHulk VSNext AvengersDoctor StrangePlanet Hulk and Thor: Tales of Asgard. During his many years with Marvel, Craig co-wrote a series of top selling X-Men comics including "New X-Men," "X-23: Innocence Lost" and "X-Force" (also with Yost). Kyle was promoted to SVP of Production and Development of Marvel Studios’ live-action division five years ago.

Marvel Studios currently has three mystery titles on their schedule: One on July 8, 2016, one on May 6, 2016 and one set for July 8, 2017. Could one of those dates wind up getting filled by Thor 3? Check back for further updates as soon as they become available.

BAD BOYS 3 In The Works? Whatcha Gonna Do?

Ah, Bad Boys. I have a soft spot in my heart for these films. The first one came out when I was in college. Myself and some classmates were surrounded and questioned by police about a car theft in the area as we waited for the bus to head over to the cinema. "What are you boys doing tonight?" (Sheepish look) "Going to see Bad Boys, officer". It shows you the caliber of Toronto's police when they question guys at a bus stop about stolen cars.

Moving on! Word has it that scribe David Gueggenheim is being courted by Sony Pictures to pen a third installment for the franchise. Gueggenheim wrote Safe House and its upcoming sequel, and upcoming projects like Narco SubPuzzle Palace and an adaptation of his own novel, Weaponized. It would seem that Sony is pleased with his most recent work for them, scripting the new draft of the Uncharted video game adaptation. 

Jerry Bruckheimer is reported to be producing again and Sony wants Will Smith and Martin Lawrence to reprise their roles. There is no word on whether or not Michael Bay will return to the directors seat. The first Bad Boys was the introduction of Bay to the World. He continued to knock it out of the park with The Rock, faltered a bit with Armageddon, then the cracks began to show with Pearl Harbor. Then he came back with Bad Boys II and has been fostering a love/hate relationship with cinema goers since then. I don't feel he would be missed but you cannot have a Bad Boys flick if you do not have Lawrence and Smit

Three Character Posters for Captain America: The Winter Soldier Released

Three Character Posters for Captain America: The Winter Soldier Released
Marvel Studios (via Yahoo!) has debuted three new posters for Captain America: The Winter Soldier featuring the star-spangled man himself along with Nick Fury and Black Widow. Check them out below and take a look at our report from the set of the film by clicking here.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier will pick-up where Marvel’s The Avengers left off, as Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and teams up with Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C.

The April 4th release stars Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Redford, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Frank Grillo, Georges St-Pierre, Hayley Atwell, Toby Jones, Emily VanCamp and Maximiliano Hernández.
UPDATE: It seems that the UK version of the Cap poster is a bit different than the domestic one, showing off Evans' Steve Rogers without his helmet. Check it out below!
Click the posters to see bigger versions!
Three Character Posters for Captain America: The Winter Soldier Released

Mwenyekiti wa CCM Dar es Salaam na wenzake watano wapandishwa kizimbani.

 Mwenyekiti wa chama cha mapinduzi -CCM, mkoa wa Dar es Salaam Ramadhani Madabida na wenzake watano wamepandishwa kizimbani kwa tuhuma za  kusambaza dawa bandia za kurefusha maisha  ARV na kuisababishia serikali hasara ya Sh. Milioni 148.3.
Wakili wa serikali Shedrack Kimaro amedai mbele ya hakimu mkazi wa mahakama ya hakimu mkazi kisutu, jijini Dar es Salaam Nyigulila mwaseba kuwa washtakiwa wanakabiliwa na mashtaka matano na shtaka la kwanza ni la kusambaza dawa hizo  ambapo wanadaiwa Aprili 5, 2011 wakiwa ndani ya jiji la Dar es Salaam walisambaza dawa hizo katika Bohari ya dawa MSD makopo ya dawa 7776.
Amedai kuwa dawa hizo muda wa kutengenezwa ulikuwa Machi, 2011 na muda wa kuisha  ni Februari 2013 katika shtaka la pili wanatuhumiwa kusambaza dawa hizo bandia makopo 4476 MSD, Aprili 11, 2011 wakiwa Dar es Salaam na katika shtaka la tatu Madabida, Shamte, Msofe na  Shango wanatuhumiwa kati ya aprili 12 na 29 mwaka 2011 walijipatia shilingi milioni 148.3 kutoka msd, wakijaribu kuonesha kuwa fedha hizo zilikuwa halali kwa malipo.
Wakili kimaro amedai kuwa katika shtaka la nne la uzembe wa kuzuia kufanyika kwa kosa linamkabili materu  na mwemezi ambao wote ni wafanyakazi wa msd wanadaiwa kulitenda kosa hilo kati ya aprili 5 na aprili 13, 2011 ambapo washtakiwa hao wakijua kabisa kuwa dawa hizo ni za bandia walishindwa kwa nyadhifa zao kuzuia kitendo hicho kisitendeke.
Na katika shtaka la tano la kuisababishia serikali hasara ya sh. Milioni  148.3 linawakabili washtakiwa wote, ambapo wanadaiwa kati ya aprili 5 na aprili 30, 2011  waliisababishia hasara hiyo, baada ya kusambaza makopo 12252 ya dawa bandia za arv mara baada ya washtakiwa kusomewa mashtaka hayo walikana kuhusika na tuhuma hizo.
Hakimu mwaseba amesema dhamana iko wazi ambapo washtakiwa wanatakiwa wawe na wadhamini wawili wakuaminika watakao saini bondi ya maneno ya sh. Milioni 6 na kutoa sh. Milioni 12  taslimu mahakamani au mali isiyohamishika yenye thamani ya fedha hiyo ambapo
Baada ya hakimu kusoma masharti hayo, waliyotimiza masharti hayo ni madabida na materu wengine wamepelekwa rumande na kesi hiyo itatajwa februari 24 mwaka huu.
Wakati huo huo aliyekuwa mkurugenzi mkuu wa wakala wa majengo tanzania (tba), makumba kimweri na msanifu mkuu wake richard maliyaga wameachiwa huru, katika kesi iliyokuwa inawakabili ya kutoa kibali cha jengo refu lililojengwa jirani na ikulu bila kufuata utaratibu na wameachiwa huru, baada ya kulipa faini ya sh. Milioni 15 kila mmoja, baada ya kupatikana na hatia katika mashtaka matano yaliyokuwa yakiwakikabili.

Ismail Aden Rage amewataka wachezaji wa Simba kutokukata tamaa.

 Mwenyekiti wa timu ya soka ya Simba Ismail Aden Rage amewataka wachezaji wa timu hiyo kutokukata tamaa pamoja na kupoteza mchezo dhidi ya Mgambo ya mkoani Tanga.
Ismail Aden Rage mmoja kati ya viongozi wa soka anayeelekea kushabihiana kilugha  na aliyekuwa waziri wa habari ya Iraq enzi za utawala wa Sadam Hussein Ally-Sahaf amekutana na wachezaji wake hii leo baada ya kupata kizunguzungu cha kipigo cha jeshi la mgambo ya kabuku mkoani Tanga cha bao moya kwa 0.
Baada ya kipigo hicho kulikuwa na taarifa zisizo rasmi yakuwa wachezaji hawajalipwa na wengine wakipienyeza mwalimu Logarusic amekuwa mkali mno na mwenye kuwatolea wachezaji maneno yasovikwa nguo. Ismail amekana nakuwapa kongole wachezaji wake huku akasema Mgambo walijihami mno kwakurudi nyuma baada yakubahatisha goli.
Simba ilazamika kusafiri tena kuelekea mkoani Mbeya kukabiliana na walimbukaji wa ligi Mbeya city siku ya Jumamosi katika uwanja wa sokoine.

Microsoft Supports Five African Startups

By sammy mgobiPublished: February 3, 2014, 03:06pm
Five high-performing African startups considered by Microsoft to be unique, scalable and locally relevant will receive money, mentoring and tech support from the U.S.-based computer software giant, according to a report in ITTNewsAfrica.
The five start-ups include:
-, a Ugandan provider of provides customized mobile technology solutions.
- Africa118 (Kenya), a Kenyan mobile directory service.
- Kytabu, a Kenyan a textbook encryption and subscription service.
- Gamsole, a Nigerian mobile game production company.
- Save & Buy, a Nigerian app that helps users save for products they want to buy
The startups will receive innovation grants through Microsoft’s 4Afrika Initiative, including
financial backing, technical support and mentorship. They were identified through Microsoft’s partnerships with 88mph, CC’Hub, HiveColab, and the company’s involvement with local developer communities, ITTNewsAfrica reports.
Uniqueness, scalability and local relevance were key to the selections, according to the report.
“We are excited to be supporting startups that have developed innovative solutions that address key issues in Africa,” said Amrote Abdella, director of startup engagement and Partnerships for 4Afrika. “Our support is aimed at showcasing the importance of local innovation, but more importantly, it highlights the great potential that African innovators have in competing with world-class developers and entrepreneurs.”

Gamsole – Nigeria

Eleven weeks after launching, mobile game production company Gamsole had more than a million game downloads. Five years later, CEO Abiola Olaniran is Nigeria’s highest-paid Windows Game developer and Gamsole has more than 4 million downloads from local and international fans, ITTNewsAfrica reports.
Olaniran competed at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup twice and worked with accelerator 88mph in the past. The company hopes to produce high-quality mobile games that entertain and educate.

Kytabu – Kenya

Kytabu — “book” in Swahili – is a textbook encryption and subscription service in Kenya founded in 2012 by Tonee Ndungu, who suffers from dyslexia, and his father. Kytabu is designed to provide universal and affordable access to learning material. Users can rent a textbook, or part of a book, for any period of time using mobile money for 60 percent savings. Kytabu has a memory card pre-loaded with every textbook in the Kenyan education curriculum and a SIM card that allows the app to be updated over cellular data.
Kytabu also comes with its own app store, where users can download audio books, learning games, virtual classrooms and past tests and exams. In June, Kytabu was identified by the Kenyan Ministry of Education as one of the apps that would benefit the government’s push to digitize and distribute educational content. It was also chosen by Google and the San Francisco tech community via The Gratitude Network as the education app most likely to change the world in this decade. – Uganda

Founded in 2011 by Kaakpema “KP” Yelpaala, provides customized mobile technology solutions to a wide range of enterprises. KP stumbled onto the business idea while talking to a coffee exporter in rural Rwanda. He built a mobile app to help the exporter move from a paper- and cash-based system to a digital one, where he can track his transactions and get insight into his flow and inventory, ITTNewsAfrica reports. now helps enterprises of all sizes adopt and integrate technology by digitizing
their operations. The technology provides the ability to collect, analyse and share clear, real-time information about operations and supply chain activity – and carries a 90 percent customer satisfaction rate from rural users who have previously had very limited access to technology. It offers solutions in healthcare and agriculture, but has plans through the Microsoft 4Afrika innovation grant program to expand its reach into other countries and industries.

Save & Buy – Nigeria

Founded in July 2013 by CEO Hugo Opi and partner Toni Osibodu, Save & Buy is an app that helps users save money for specific products they want to buy online. By clicking the Save & Buy button on select eCommerce sites, users start a savings plan customised with a duration date and deposit reminders. Once the full payment has been made, retailers send the products to the users. Save & Buy will be working with the Microsoft 4Afrika grant funding program to move its app over to world-class servers, which will provide a more stable platform for increased traffic volumes, ITTNewsAfrica reports.
The startup also plans to introduce new features such as virtual products (holidays and birthdays), group savings and a credit feature. Its goal is to expand into three African countries over the next three years.

Africa118 – Kenya

Founded in 2010 by Ezana Raswork, Africa118 is a mobile directory service in Kenya. After watching his father trying to find a local vet for house calls, Ezana – who was working at the Yellow Pages – decided to develop a world-class information center in Africa.
Working with mobile partner Safaricom, Africa118 gives users access to an up-to-date and highly accurate database of local services in Kenya. For a cost of 20 Kenyan shillings per search, a user calls in, requests contact information and receives an SMS with the relevant details.
Africa118 reports a 50-percent growth rate since 2011 and has a user satisfaction rate of 8- to 9-out-of-10 users. Users use the call service up to 10 times per month. Through the Microsoft 4Afrika innovation grant program, Africa118 will expand its service by developing an online platform and mobile app. It also plans to expand into Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Ghana and to be in 10 African countries within the next three years, ITTNewsAfrica reports.